
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Hey y'all, Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I hope y'all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving being with family, eating lots of great food, and watching football (Quick side note, the Packers are now 11-0. GO PACKERS!!!) :D. I'm having a fantastical Thanksgiving just hanging with family in our hotel room (Yep, my mom, dad, and two brothers came here to Maine to have Thanksgiving with my sister and me. How fun!). We haven't done anything special, but it still has been a lot of fun. We didn't eat anything special either, we actually had popcorn for dinner because most of the restaurants were closed. However, it has been a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! Besides, this awesome holiday is more than just good food, what it's truly about is being with family and giving thanks. As the Bible says, "Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song." (Psalm 95:2) and "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." (Psalms 100:4). In the spirit of things, here are some of the things I'm thankful for...

1. I'm thankful for a loving and awe-inspiring Father!
2. I'm thankful for my amazing family God blessed me with!
3. I'm thankful for my wonderful friends!
4. I'm thankful for the awesome ocean God created!
5. I'm thankful for chocolate, coconut, and other delicious food!
6. I'm thankful for living in America and the freedom that comes with it!
7. I'm thankful for all the brave soldiers that defend this nation!
8. I'm thankful for the Packers being 11-0! :D
9. I'm thankful for being in college!
10. I'm thankful for all the books that have been wrote!
11. Finally, I'm thankful for being fearfully and wonderfully made!!! 

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." - Psalm 139:14

Well, I can't really think of anything else to write about so I'll let y'all go. So again, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

"That's All Folks!"

Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Be joyful always."
-1 Thessalonians 5:16

Author of the Month

Hey y'all! So I decided to make up my own little award this month and name it "Author of the Month". I'm going to claim I decided to do this since it is National Novel Writing Month (I actually just thought of that excuse to write this random post :D) So here are the nominees...

Karen Kingsbury for Longing
David Baldacci for Zero Day
Zachary for Book 2

And the Ally Award goes to.....ready?....wait for it....wait for it...drum roll please....Zachary for Book 2.  (Applause, Applause, Applause)..."Go Zachy!!!!!". lol.

So just to clue y'all in (because I'm pretty sure some of you are about ready to call the little men in white jackets to come and get me), Zachary is my brother and an amazing writer (not published yet, but will be someday soon). He just finished his second book which I stayed up till ten o'clock last night reading (only 24 more pages left to go). I totally LOVE his books. They are hilarious and very attention grabbing, I never want to put the book down when I'm reading it. I know some of y'all are probably thinking I'm biased, but I've read a lot of books in my life time, I mean A LOT of books, and Zach is extremely talented. :D...yep, this post was basically just to brag about my brother's writing, so I hope y'all enjoyed it. lol.

"That's All Folks"

P.S. You can check out my brother blog at

Saturday, November 12, 2011


"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." -Zephaniah 3:17

How awesome is that verse? Just think about it. It says, "The lord you God is with you". He is with me, He is with each and every one of you reading this. Even more than that, "He is mighty to save." In God's mightiness He saves us from everthing, our fears, our worries, our problems. In anything and everything God is there and He saves. Then we keep reading, "He will take great delight in you". God delights in us, even when we stumble and make mistakes, God delights in us. That is just sooo AWESOME!!!!!! "He will quiet you with His love", then when we go crazy and are running around like chickens with our heads cut off, God quiets by just loving us. :D Finally, "He will rejoice over you with singing." Just like a parent with newborns, God sings to us. More than that, He rejoices because of us. I just find that mind-blowing.

"That's All Folks!"