
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July Y'all!!!
I hope everyone had a safe, fantastical 4th of July. I did. To kick off the festivities my family, some friends, and I went to a fireworks show at Shiloh last night. It was truly awesome (Soon I'll try to post some of my brother's pictures from last night). Shiloh always has stupendous fireworks every year and they are coordinated to music, which makes it fun. One of my favorites things about their show is that they have giant fireball explosions. SO AWESOME!!!!!!! Then today when to an awesome service at Shiloh. It was filled with lots of fun and the Word was great. Part of what was said is that we have to be responsible for this country. WE decide how America is going to live and WE will change this nation by taking the Word over out lives and walking it out in the world. I totally agree, don't you? Then the rest of the day was just spent relaxing with family. So much fun (I read three books!!! lol)How did y'all spend this wonderful holiday?

Besides posting on what I did for the 4th, I wanted to take the time to thank and pray over all of our troops stationed overseas and here and their families. The men and women of our armed forces are so awesome; they risks their lives daily to fight for the freedom that so many of us take for granted everyday.

THEY are the reason we are able to sleep peacefully at night! 

 THEY are the reason we can worship God how we want!

THEY are the reason our country is great!

THEY stand on the lines saying, "nothing is going to happen tonight, not on my watch" (paraphrasing from A Few Good Men)!

THEY are the ones who miss out of so many family occasions, so they could defend America!

THEY are the ones who pay the ultimate sacrafice for our nation! 

For these reasons and many more I say thank you to everyone in the armed forces, those currently serving, those who previously served, those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, and to all their family members: THANK YOU!!!!! I hold all of you in my prayers.

"Father, bless all of our troops. Be with them and cover them in everything that they are doing. May they feel our thanks and our love beaming towards them. Strengthen them and their family. Let them rest in Your presence. Amen."

"That's All Folks!"

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