Here are some flower pictures that I took at the St. Louis Zoo. Natalie say I normally come out with more pictures of flowers than animals when we go to zoos. She might be right. lol
Here are pictures from my boat adventure looking for seals. It was a bright, sunny, gorgous day and so much fun. I love being out on the water. The sad thing is that it may be hard to see the seals because I only had my small lenses.
Here are some random pictures from my spring break that I didn't want to kill you with on my post. I was really into taking random pictures and playing with the features of my camera.:D So here are the results...
Here are some pictures that I took at valley forge roughly five years ago. The park was filled with tons of deer and the really awesome part was that the deer weren't scared of you, so you could get really close.
I know this is called photoblog, but I wanted to share a video a create out of some of my pictures of Maine. Hope you enjoy it.
Here is something a made with my pictures and some of my favorite verses (I have a LOT of those. :D).
It is December 11 already and there is no snow yet, which makes me really happy. Thus, I decided to show some pictures of November and December in Maine (most are the of the beach :D) Enoy!
Fly eagle, fly! :D Enjoy these pictures taken in South Dakota
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!!!! Here are some random photos. :D
This is for all our veterns on Veterns Day. Thank you so much for the service you have done for the country!!!
Getting snow in October in Maine, I thought it would be fun to share some snow/ice pictures. SO BEWARNED!!!!
Here are some random photos of Iowa. Tell me what you think
Enjoy some pictures of Fall in Maine.
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