"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
-Habakkuk- 2:14
"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of Your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."
- Habakkuk 3:2
Sometimes the greatest truths are found in places rarely read.
"That's All Folks!"
Today while doing some school I had to look up a couple words on dictionary.com that I didn't know. While doing that, I found this really, really cool word. I then voted to make it the word of the day (maybe even the year). :)
– fear of long words
Awesome word, right? I think I have hippopotmonstrosesquippedaliaphobia. lol. Now try saying that three times fast: hippopotmonstrosesquippedaliaphobia, hippopotmonstrosesquippedaliaphobia, hippopotmonstrosesquippedaliaphobia. Well, that was fun. :D
"That's All Folks"
Hey y'all, how's it going? I just sat through a 4.5 earthquake, anything new with you? Yep, you heard me right. Lake Arrowhead, ME, which lies about 17 miles from the university was the epicenter of the quake.
Natalie and I were sitting in our room buying our plane tickets home for Christmas break. Suddenly, the room starting shaking and it sounded like a bunch of people running around upstairs. Now this could be normal since we do live in a college dorm where kids run around all the time. However, we live on the fourth floor of a four story building. Thus the sounds were not normal. Natalie and I looked at each other and said, "Earthquake" quite matter a factly. Then we got really excited and high-fived each other. lol Then of course we had to let the rest of the family know the awesomeness. :D
Well, that's all I really wanted to say. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
"That's All Folks!"
I know, you know that I love conspiracy theories (did some of you think I was going to break into the Psych theme song?...I know, you know, that I'm not telling the truth...sorry I couldn't resist ). Anyways, back to my love of conspiracy theories, well y'all will be glad to know that I have another....ATTACK OF THE ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, animals are trying to take over the world by attacking humans. Or maybe they are just trying to attack me. Either way, it's attack of the animals.
Squirrels are the first animal that have started this revolution. Every time I walk the paths of my campus, squirrels start throwing acorns at me (or maybe it's the wind :D). Truly, I have to walk the paths dodging back and forth trying to avoid being hit by falling acorns.
Next, I have to dodge chipmunks when I walk around campus. These guys don't throw acorns at me like the squirrels, but they do try to trip me up. Suddenly, with no warning, a chipmunk will run across the path right in front of me trying to make me stumble (or they are suicidal chipmunks trying to get me to kill them).
The third animal that has attacked me was a deer. Tuesday, I was walking up to the new athletic complex. On the way, a deer almost ran me over!!!!!!! Missed it by that much. Luckily, I have fast reflexes and juked out of the way (or maybe not, it wasn't THAT close). Then the deer went into the woods and examined me for a little while. Apparently, I'm not a threat because it then ran away.
Last but not least, I was almost killed by a seagull. Natalie and I were walking back from dinner. I was busy talking with Natalie. Then suddenly Natalie put her arm out and stopped me from walking in further. Her reason, there was a seagull flying fast and at low attitude right into our pathway. If it wasn't for Natalie, I might have been impaled by a seagull.
"That's All Folks"