
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Books, Books and More Books

Saying that I love books would be the understatement of the year. I mean I really, really, really x infinity LOVE books!!!!!! I live and breathe books. I even dream about books (that's not creepy, right?)I LOVE going to libraries. I would live in a library if I could(wouldn't that be so awesome?). I also go to bookstores any chance I get. Though bookstores can be really evil because I will see soooooooooo many books that I want to read that it is pure torture sometimes. :D Recently though I have started caving in and buying lots and lots of books. Now I (and my sister) have a giant box overflowing with books (no we haven't bought a bookcase yet, but we will soon.)The good news is I find the bargain books or use discounts to buy them online. The bad news is if I don't curb my book buying addiction I'm going to me broke, kinda like our country. lol. 

Now that you know I love books, you should know I also love reading!!!!! (Well, duh  Ally, books and reading go hand in hand!) However, I just wanted to clarify that I'm not some weird person who is obsessed with collecting books and never reading them. lol. Now I'm going to admit to y'all I have a problem: I AM ADDICTED TO READING! (As they say the first step is admittance, the second denial, so obviously I am still on the first step in trying to get over my problem. lol) Since I was a little girl, I have always read. My parents taught me to read the Bible when I was little and ever since than I have been hooked, Captain Hook of course. :D

I grew up in a really small town in South Dakota and there wasn't a whole lot to do there. The good thing about the town is that it had a good library that we lived a block away from. I started going to the library almost everyday that it was open because I just read through so many books. :D The funny thing is, whenever we go back to visit family in South Dakota I still can check out books from the library even though it has been six years since we lived there. The librarian still remembers me, probably because me (and my family) were the only people to go there, and trusts us that she doesn't care if we check out books. lol.

Sorry, I kinda got sidetracked from what I was originally going to post about. I wanted to ask a very serious and important question: WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?!?!?!?!?!To clarify the question, what is happening to the books that are being published? Why are there so many books about vampires and werewolfs and stuff? Earlier I was reading blogs about books and noticed a lot of people's favorite books had the vampire creepyness to them. I can't believe people read that. Now please don't be insulted if you read that stuff, but ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?!?!?!? I mean, I don't mind reading some fantasty books. I've actually enjoyed quite a few that had some magical stuff in them. However, I feel like all the new young adult books are a new vampire series. Seriously people, why?!?!?!?!? It really blows my mind that people love those books. OK, enough ranting. It's all out of my system now. It was just the question that popped in my head reading other blogs. Maybe I should find differnt blogs to look at. Yeah, that's a good idea. Then y'all wouldn't have to suffer my random spiel about bad books.

"That's All Folks"

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