Anyways, this morning was like any other typical morning for me. I woke up, showered, got ready, got myself some breakfast, and was going to check stories on my computer. However, from there my day decided to deviate. In the middle of eating cereal, I turn on ESPN to see who won the football game last night (It was the Falcons, if anyone cares). I realized the team I had picked to win, did indeed win, so of course, I had to go star the game on my schedule (Yes, I have a schedule of every football game for the season and I pick who I think (or hope) is going to win the game). In the process of trying to do that, it suddenly was Return of the Klutz. My elbow grew a mind of its own and BAM my bowl of cereal crashed to the floor, spraying milk all over my pant leg, chair, folder, desk, and floor. Then there I am walking to the kitchen with milk dripping from my pants to get paper towels. I feel like I should have been in an old Southwest commercial, "Want to get away? Now you can."
Stay tuned for Klutz Strikes Again. Coming out in Spring 2013...
"That's All Folks!"